Characters: (Just tell me if you don't agree)
- Narrator - Maria Regielyn Dequillo
- Arabella - Mariah Raisee Ador
- Julian - Harvy Caspe
- Tristan - Kent Harold Largo
- Scarlet - Aileen Grace Eramil
- Freya - Jean Carin Moralde
- Natalie - Nirrah Kaye Aquiles
- Props-girl - Tricia Mae Brusas
- Mrs. White - Carulain Sabroso
- Mrs. Brown - Zean Moncada
Narrator: (Greets everyone) Now before I present you our play let me first tell you something about "Marriage". Marriage is the legal partnership of a man and a woman. Marriage, is just like cooking a dish. If you put the wrong ingredients, then the result will have a bad taste and therefore the person eating that dish, would stop from eating that. But if you put the right ingredients, well... The person eating that dish would not wish to stop eating that delicious food. Just like Marriage. Marriage too has its own ingredients to have a happy Marriage and...
Someone: Would you stop the talking and proceed to our play?!
Narrator: Wait - I'm having a moment.
And now Ladies and Gentlemen, to know the ingredients that I was saying, sit back, relax and watch the show...
-------------------------- (open Curtains) --------------------------------
Holdaper: Hold-up 'to!
Narrator: (shocked) (run) (accidentally bumped Arabella)
Arabella: (accidentally fell on Julian) (moan) I'm sorry it was just an... (met Julian's eyes) ...accident... (smile)
Julian: (catches Arabella) Are you alright miss? (met Arabella's eyes) (pause) ... uh... hi... I'm Julian.
Arabella: I-I'm Arabella...
Narrator: Love came to the both of them and then one day, Julian asked Arabella to marry him.
That's one ingredient in Marriage, to have "Love", unlike this one...
Tristan: (chic-boy ang dating) (sige panawag chix) Hi chix! (tisngi2x ang peg) (saw Scarlet) Hi! I like you. Can I have your number?
Scarlet: Sure! here you go. (lends her phone)
Narrator: Tristan liked Scarlet and planned to marry Scarlet.
This one's not an ingredient for Marriage because "Like", is way too different from "Love".
(But w-w-w-wait. Isn't this too fast? Let's see what really happened... So there it was, they met each other and became lovers.
...Tristan is a Sales boy, and one day, while working...)
Tristan: Ma'am, Sir, our books are now 50% off. Come and buy now! (saw Freya) Ma'am, our books are on sale, come and buy one now.
Freya: Really? Oh, wow. You know, I'm a book lover. Gotta buy one of these.
Tristan: Well go on Ma'am. Be free to choose.
Freya: Julian, hi! Oh I was just searching for a book here, they're on sale.
Julian: We'll good for you as a book lover. (chuckles)
Freya: Yeah. (chuckles) So where's Arabella?
Julian: Oh she's coming in no time.
Tristan: Well go on Ma'am. Be free to choose.
(While Freya's searching for a book, her friend, Julian, saw her.)
Julian: Freya? Hi! What's up?Freya: Julian, hi! Oh I was just searching for a book here, they're on sale.
Julian: We'll good for you as a book lover. (chuckles)
Freya: Yeah. (chuckles) So where's Arabella?
Julian: Oh she's coming in no time.
(Tristan accidentally moved the books and the books fell to Freya's foot)
Freya: (exclaimed)
Tristan: (asking for apology)
(While Tristan is asking for Freya's apology, Scarlet came with a red face...)
Scarlet: What's all of this Tristan? (angry mode)
Tristan: I can explain.
Scarlet: Explain? Tell me Tristan, how can you explain what happened? Huh? (sabay push kay Tristan)
Tristan: I was just asking for the customer's apology, okay? She was hurt, and it was my fault. End of story. Please understand and don't make a mess here.
([FREEZE] Understanding is one of the elements of love. If you love someone, you should understand each other. Being understanding in relationship is needed so trust can be built.)
Scarlet: Okay. Let's just say that you are telling the truth. But how about earlier. You were talking with that girl. Why are you so sweet with her? Huh? You are smiling widely!
Freya: Miss, that was nothing, really.
Scarlet: (tan-aw Freya) shut up! (balik lingi Tristan) Explain that to me!
Tristan: Oh, come on Scarlet! Of course I have to, I mean I need to smile, okay? It's part of my job being a Sales boy! I have to smile when talking to customers! Scarlet listen to me, I would never make a thing that would make you mad. Scarlet please, trust me. (tutok ni Scarlet)
Scarlet: Trust?! (tries to slap Tristan's face)
([FREEZE] Trust is another element of Love. It is needed too, because Trust is the base of a successful relationship. No trust, bad marriage.)
Tristan: (lihay mode)
Scarlet: (accidentally slapped Julian's face)
Julian: (exclaimed)Scarlet: Ooh... so sorry... (lingi Tristan) Let's go Tristan! Come on!
(Tristan and Scarlet went away and at the same time, arrived Arabella and saw Freya helping Julian stand from lying on the floor)
Arabella: Oh my Gosh! Julian! Freya, what happened? Oh Julian, are you hurt?
Freya: It's that girl, she accidentally slapped Julian's face, and uh, long story. Don't worry too much. He's fine.
Julian: I'm alright, no worries. Why are you worrying too much? I'm fine.
Arabella: I have to. I'm your girlfriend now, and I care for you.
Julian: (Juan dela ang peg) 'Yun oh!
([FREEZE] Care, one of the elements of Love is important too, because it only shows how much you love your lover)
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(Afterwards, Julian walked Arabella home)
------------------------------ (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Julian: Hey, um, Thanks.
Arabella: For what? For the concern earlier? Nah that was nothing.
Julian: (smiles) (phone rings) It's Freya. Wait, I'll just take this call.
Arabella: Go on.
Julian: Hello, Freya...Homecoming?
(Julian was talking with Freya on the phone and Arabella was standing near the road when...)
Holdaper: Hold-up 'to! Give up your jewelries and money and I won't hurt you.
Arabella: (scared) (cried aloud and called Julian)
Julian: Arabella!
(The holdaper ran and Julian chase him and punched him on it's face and let him go away after punching him)
Julian: Are you okay? Has he taken anything from you? Did he hurt you?
Arabella: Easy there Julian. I'm fine, Thank goodness you came. (hugged Julian)
Julian: No problem. It's my responsibility to be your protector.
Arabella: No, seriously, Thank you. Except for my parents, there's just a little percent of my ex-boyfriends before who took their responsibilities too much for me, i-in fact... no one. And I thank you for for breaking that record.
([FREEZE] In a relationship, being responsible to your lover is also important. You have to do what you think you are responsible with for the sake of your relationship)
---------------------------- (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(The next day, Julian attended their School Homecoming as what Freya told him last night. Freya saw Julian coming and called him.)
----------------------------- (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Freya: Julian! Over here!
Julian: Hi! Wow, I missed our school and everyone here.
Freya: (saw Natalie) Miss? Hmm... I hope ex-girlfriends are included on that word. (calls Natalie) Natalie! Come!
Julian: W-w-w-wait. What are you doing?
Freya: There's nothing wrong with having girlfriend number 2. Besides, she's your ex.
Julian: What?
Natalie: Hi Julian. Long time no see. Enjoying the party?
Julian: (nervously chuckling) H-hi, Natalie. Uh, yeah, the party's fun!
Natalie: Good. Care for a drink?
Julian: Uh, would you mind excusing us for a moment?
Natalie: Take your time.
(Julian grabbed Freya)
Julian: What are you doing?
Freya: What? Look at her. She's more gorgeous than that Arabella of yours. I mean look at Arabella, she's too simple compared to Natalie?
Julian: I don't care okay? I love Arabella and I'm a type of a guy who's faithful to his girl.
([FREEZE] Being Faithful to your lover will lead you to a good marriage because it would make you comfortable in your relationship)
----------------------------- (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(Meanwhile, at Tristan's house, Tristan was sitting outside their house, embracing the cold wind and thinking of Scarlet's traits that he liked about her)
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Tristan: I think I should not let go of Scarlet. What a waste if I loose her. Scarlet is: Sexy, pretty... I like her.
(Another element in Love is Knowledge. In Love, you should be smart in choosing ones partner, but his choices in his partner to be, are wrong. Let me show you what right choice is...)
Arabella: Hmm, if Julian's gonna ask me to marry him, should I say yes? Well why not? After all Julian is: responsible, faithful, intelligent, caring and etc. ... Hmm...
(Let's go back here...(clears throat) So Tristan, was thinking about Scarlet when Scarlet suddenly broke into Tristan's house and...)
Scarlet: Tristan, Tristan...
Tristan: Hey honey. What's wrong?
Scarlet: Tristan...I'm pregnant and it's yours.
Tristan: What!
Scarlet: Tristan, if Mom would know about this, I'm dead. We're dead.
Tristan: Tsk, tsk, tsk. We must tell your Mom about this.
---------------------------- (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(After Tristan knew that Scarlet was pregnant, He went to Scarlet's house together with Scarlet to talk with Mrs. White, Scarlet's mother)
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Mrs. White: WHAT!!! You're pregnant?! You, young man, how dare you to take my daughter's virginity, even if you're not yet married?! Don't you have any respect to Scarlet? You bastard! How dare you to touch my daughter?!
(Having respect with each other is important, because it means, however, recognizing those things as belonging to them and being as an important part for them as individual.)
Tristan: Please, forgive me Mrs. White, I-I didn't mean to ...
Mrs. White: Well, as a matter of fact, what can we do? The baby's already there. But you, Mister, you should stand for this! You must marry my daughter before the baby's born.
------------------------------ (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(And because of what happened, Tristan and Scarlet were forced to marry each other... Meantime, At the park, Arabella was surprised of what she saw...Wondering of what she saw? Come! Let's peek.)
----------------------------- (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Arabella: (shocked) What is this?
Julian: Arabella, all the people here, has witnessed how much I love you. Arabella, Will. You. Marry. Me?
Arabella: Yes!
Julian: Yes?
Arabella: Yes, yes, yes!!!
------------------------------ (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(Julian and Arabella were both happy. At last, they are going to marry. After a few days, Arabella went to their province where her Mother, Mrs. Brown lived, together with Julian to inform her about their wedding.)
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(Julian and Arabella were both happy. At last, they are going to marry. After a few days, Arabella went to their province where her Mother, Mrs. Brown lived, together with Julian to inform her about their wedding.)
---------------------------- (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Mrs. Brown: Oh, I'm so glad for you, Arabella. Congratulations to the both of you. So, when's the wedding?
Arabella: Thanks mom. The wedding is on going. We're still planning for it. Right hon?
Julian: Yeah, we're planning carefully in order for the wedding to be perfect.
Mrs. Brown: So, any problems that you are encountering in your wedding plan? Financial, perhaps?
Arabella: Oh, not at all. Julian's working on it and everything's gonna be perfect as planned.
Julian: Yeah, we're planning carefully in order for the wedding to be perfect.
Mrs. Brown: So, any problems that you are encountering in your wedding plan? Financial, perhaps?
Arabella: Oh, not at all. Julian's working on it and everything's gonna be perfect as planned.
(Commitment, another ingredient for a happy marriage. Both partners should work on the marriage. But if you follow these guys, over here, you might doubt if this would lead to a good marriage.)
Scarlet: Uh, Tristan, you know I have to ask this. So, uh, when are we going to plan for our wedding? The baby's getting bigger.
Tristan: Scarlet, don't be so impatient. We'll get there okay? Just not now. I'm still earning for the money. And I don't think if we can earn enough money for the wedding, especially now, I have to find another job because of the mess you've done the other day.
Scarlet: And now you're blaming me. Hopefully, you've thought about that first before you let me carry this baby. Tristan, we can do this, you're just a negative thinker. You know, you're like a little kid. Grow up Tristan.
(Third ingredient is Growth. It allows both partners to grow and develop to their full potential as human beings. Growth direction should be positive - that is, good qualities are enhanced while bad and destructive tendencies are overcome. On the other hand, fourth ingredient for a happy Marriage is Maturity. Couples must show their ability to cope with the challenges in life and capacity to be physically, emotionally, and financially stable.)
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(Getting back to the story. At the restaurant, Arabella and Julian were planning about their wedding. Suddenly, Julian told Arabella something.)
---------------------------- (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Julian: Hey honey? I just wanna be honest with you. You know, it would not be nice of keeping secrets in a relationship right?
Arabella: Mm-hmm?
Julian: Remember our school's homecoming?
Arabella: Yeah. What about that?
Julian: My ex-girlfriend, Natalie? We met and Freya, my friend, told me to uh, build Natalie and mine's broken relationship again.
Arabella: And...?
Julian: And, I got tempted. But don't worry. I was faithful to you because I love you, so don't worry. Let's just forget about that.
Arabella: Why are you telling all of these?
Julian: I just want to be completely honest to my wife-to-be.
(Honest. Fifth ingredient. Couples should be honest for each other. There should be no lies and secrets that may cause betrayal to keep each other's trust.)
Arabella: I think, we should get back to work. Lunch Break's over.
----------------------------- (close Curtains) -----------------------------------
(And they part each other's ways and return to their job)
(While Julian, is working, she can't stop from thinking about Arabella)
----------------------------- (open Curtains) -----------------------------------
Julian: Ah, I can't do a job done here. Why can't I stop from thinking about her? Hmm... maybe it's what they called "Spiritual Sensitivity".
( The sixth ingredient, is Spiritual Sensitivity. Couples in a relationship should have based on sympathy of thought or feeling. They should be sensitive to each other's needs, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.)
Julian: Maybe Arabella want me to communicate with her every time. (calls Arabella) Arabella?
Arabella: Julian? You called.
Julian: I just can sense that you want me to call you.
Arabella: Yeah. It makes me comfortable.
(The last ingredient is, Communication. Couples must always have open lines of communication. A relationship would be nothing if there's no communication)
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(After all the plans for both parties wedding day, here comes "The Wedding".)
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Priest: And now, I hereby pronounce you, Husband and Wife.
(Both sides cheer for the newly-wed)
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(After the wedding both sides has their own life and family already. But I'm wondering whose marriage was successful)
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(This couple here has a successful marriage because they applied all the ingredients of a happy marriage of one's relationship. They became happy and had a convenient marriage. Unlike this couple here. The result of not applying the ingredients to have a happy marriage, would lead couples in having a bad marriage. It would result to a big mess.)
(...Characters forming a single line...)
(Marriage should be bound by those ingredients mentioned in order for it to work harmoniously)
kamao jhud ka reg... ge unsa ni nimo reg....???? choi ayoh promise